Tuesday, September 23, 2008

New York rally versus Evil

The uproar over the dis-invitation of Alaska governor Sarah Palin to speak at the anti- Ahmadinejad rally yesterday outside the United Nations New York Headquarters by the event organizers appears to have created a huge anti-Obama backlash.

WCBS-TV Channel 2 news is reporting that protesters at the rally opposing the visit to the U.N. of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the leader of The Islamic Republic of Iran, were angered by the cowardly antics of the event organizers, and turned their ire against the Democrat Party. It is widely believed that the organizers succumbed to pressures from the Democrat Party to dis-invite the G.O.P. vice-Presidential candidate from making a speech at the event. Although the event was originally intended to be non-partisan, the Democrat Party lost face after Hillary Clinton dropped out after learning that Governor Palin was invited. Noted author Roger L. Simon called the move a "virtual Night of the Long Knives played out between the Democratic Party and various Jewish organizations surrounding the Iran demonstration, including allegations that party operatives were threatening the loss of tax exempt status over Sarah Palin’s appearance, with more unpleasant revelations undoubtedly to come, is obviously causing people to reconsider this allegiance to the Democratic Party that approaches fealty."

Anger at the Democrat Party was evident by many hand-made signs bearing slogans, such as: "We Want Sarah. Shame On The Rally Organizer." Many others carried printed posters displaying sentiments as "Jews Against Obama & Ahmadinejad." Barak Hussein Obama's recent comments seemingly in support of Israel appear to many as pandering. A good deal of people in New York's Jewish community have reason to doubt the Democrat Party presidential candidate's sincerity, especially considering the fact that chief among his foreign policy advisers is Jimmy Carter's National Security adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski.

Given the recent surge by G.O.P. candidate John Sidney McCain, New York has recently come into play and is no longer considered a "safe bet" to remain a Blue State in the upcoming election. Angering the Jewish population of New York City is as unwise a move as the Democrat Party political establishment could possibly make.

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